Regular Workshops

You will get more time on the wheel - practising the hand movements, learning the skills of turning and start the challenge of centring your own pots.

Pottery Class in Macclesfield - one person learning on the wheel

Group size - 1-2

Flexible dates + times

2 hours each week, over 6 workshops

£42 per week, per person

Regular workshops are grouped by ability, ranging from beginners, who have done the taster workshop, intermediates, who are learning to centre, and more experienced throwers.

People of similar ability are matched up together for the course (unless you would like to start as a pair).


In a typical 6 week Regular Workshop…

.. we will practise the art of centring and turning, learn to throw taller shapes, pull and attach handles, apply slip decoration and glaze application.

Regular Workshops are super flexible, so if there is a personal project you would like to make, then the workshops can be designed around you.

Pottery on the wheel


I only run one regular workshop at a time, so they get booked up pretty fast. If you would like be added to the waiting list, or join a regular workshop, get in touch.

January - Fully booked

February - Fully booked

March - Fully booked

April - Fully booked

May - Fully booked

June - Fully booked

July - Fully booked

August - 2 places available

September - Fully booked

October - 2 places available

November - 2 places available

December - 2 places available

Two people learning pottery on the wheel